Monday, June 9, 2008

Dry Shampoo

Now that my bangs are no longer technically bangs, but more face framing layers, I don't rely quite as heavily on my dry shampoo. But, boy, I used to use it every other day. I only wash my hair every other day, so the in between would get pretty greasy sweeping across my forehead everyday...soaking up oil. Ew, gross, I know.

I tried Bumble and Bumble colored hair powder, Oscar Blandi and Sebastian before settling on this no-nonsense Pssssssst. Back when I used to try to schedule workouts and runs around when I absolutely had to wash my hair, I lived for any "hair freshener." Unless you have time to wash and style every single day, consider a little dry shampoo love. And it's only $6. Apparently it was very popular in the seventies, and therefore cooly retro.

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